You’re finally pregnant! You’ve been designing the perfect nursery on Pinterest for months already and now the countdown to baby is officially on. And there’s just one tiny little detail standing between you and a semi-decent pregnancy: morning sickness.
Morning sickness is. the. worst. Seriously.
It’s kind of a weird mixture between being so hungry your nauseous plus you just took a ride on the Tea Cups at Disney plus you may or may not toss your cookies but also you really need to eat a pickle right now.
In my experience, it’s one of the strangest pregnancy symptoms. And the one pregnancy symptom that can keep you on the couch watching movies all day.
And some days that’s perfectly fine, but other days you have to put on real pants and #adult. And on those days, you need simple, natural tips to help ease your morning sickness so that you can function and do all the things.
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Talk to Your Doctor about Your Morning Sickness
Your doctor can help with your morning sickness symptoms. During my first pregnancy I didn’t say anything to my doctor because I though he would just tell me to tough it out.
And looking back I regret that because I didn’t have to spend that time suffering, there were options.
But now with my third I believe my exact words were “I will need all the drugs, please.” I told my doctor I wanted whatever they were giving to Duchess Kate, because you know they give her the good stuff!!
Nobody wants to think about doing or taking something that could potentially harm your baby, but a doctor would never recommend anything that was unsafe. So don’t be afraid to ask!
Even if you don’t end up with a prescription, your OB might have some better ideas than just ginger ale and peppermint candies!
Learn how to advocate for your needs during your prenatal doctor’s visit.
Cold beverages make morning sickness more bearable because, science.
Ok, I don’t know if there’s any science behind that or not but I swear putting ice in a tall glass of water and slowly sipping helps.
I read once that some cultures believe pregnancy is a “hot” time in your life, so you should be drinking and eating cold beverages to balance out the hot. And if you think about it, that kind of makes sense.
Maybe that’s why cold beverages help with morning sickness??
I’ve also found that sour drinks like lemonade or water with extra lemon squeezed in help too.
And drinking out of a straw. I can’t explain any of these- but they all helped me! (I know, I know, straws are so yesterday…. but they help for some odd reason! Try these reusable straws if you prefer to be more environmentally friendly.)
Laying in a Certain Position
It’s funny how instinctual our bodies can be. I don’t know how I figured this out but one day I was so sick with Nugget and I just had to lay down- but only on my left side.
It felt soooooo good.
I put a pillow between my knees and another one under my arm and head and I just held still for as long as I could. Within minutes my stomach settled and I had temporary relief from the nausea.
Obviously, if you work or have kids to chase after laying or sitting down might now be an option for you all the time.
But listen to your body, if you have an inexplicable need to put your head down on your desk for 5 minutes- do it!
I also invested in a great pregnancy pillow.
Ask Your Spouse or Partner to “Pet” You
Alright, alright get your mind out of the gutter!!
I know that sounds kind of dirty, but I’m talking about petting like you would pet a dog or cat! I know it sounds super weird but I actually got the idea from this book.
In the book the author talks about how important it is for a pregnant woman to be touched and pet by people around her (think nurturing, not creepy).
I loved that idea, and I started asking my husband to rub my head at night. He just kind of mindlessly runs his fingers through my hair while we watch TV but it helps me relax and I feel a lot better!
Listen to Your Body
Our bodies are pretty incredible and know exactly what we need, all you have to do is listen. If you are in desperate need of a nap, cancel brunch with your girlfriend and take a freaking nap!
You might get some crazy cravings (pickles and ice cream anyone??), listen to them. Your body is probably trying to tell you it needs something.
Definitely pay attention to your body. Feed it what it craves (within reason), rest when you feel like it (as much as you can), and stay hydrated!
Your body and your baby will thank you for it.
Keep Your Eye on the Baby
Whenever I complain to my hubby about how sick I feel he always reminds me that this is temporary. And at the end of it we’re going to have another sweet little baby!
Sometimes I want to stick my tongue out at him and say “Yeah, well you don’t have to do this!!” but I know he’s right. On those days when you’re extra sick and you’ve been on your knees in front of the toilet, just close your eyes and think about the tiny, squishy baby you’ll get to hold when all of this is over.
Because that’s what this is really all about anyway!
I truly hope these ideas help you! It’s not easy to be sick and miserable, but it will come to an end one day. And in the mean time cancel plans, put your feet up, and binge your favorite shows!