Whether you are recovering from a c-section or a vaginal delivery these postpartum must-haves will make your postnatal recovery easier.
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If you’re about to have a baby and you have every baby widget under the sun stuffed in your hall closet, but you have absolutely no clue what a Sitz bath is and why you need one, keep reading………..
I’ve had four babies now. That’s four births and four postpartum recoveries. Which means I have a very long list of postpartum must-haves.
You know, all the staples that are going to help you heal and feel somewhat human over the next few weeks.
Of course this list would include items like nursing bras, breastfeeding pillows, and plenty of snacks. But let’s get down to the nitty-gritty and talk about exactly what you need in the bathroom.
Because let’s be honest, you’re going to be spending and inordinate amount of time in the bathroom in the coming weeks. And it’s going to take a whole lot of pads and creams and lotions & potions to get you going for the day.

Here’s a fun fact about postpartum: 100% of moms polled reported that they needed more stuff than baby.
Ok, ok, so I’m the only one I polled. But I’m telling you right now, I’ve done this four times. And in the early weeks the neediest one in the house will be YOU, not baby.
You are going to want soothing creams and spray for every square inch of your body, disposable pads to soak up all of the liquids you’ll be leaking….from so many holes on your body.
And YES you are going to want the biggest granny panties you can find. I mean we’re talking Bridget Jones level here.

Below I have linked my top postpartum essentials that you should have stocked up in your bathroom. Everything from my favorite nipple cream (yeah, I’ve tried so many kinds I actually have a favorite); to my favorite maxi pads (if you don’t have a favorite maxi pad are you even a mom??); to my favorite sprays, lotions, and magic potions that will help you heal and feel a tiny bit human after birth.
Even if you have a c section. Even if you have a home birth. Even if you plan to give birth in a field next to a deer…you still need these things!
These are the items that I absolutely swear by, and believe me after four babies I know what I’m talking about.
Let’s jump right in and get started with the one item on this list you won’t be able to live without: maxi pads. Yes, you’ll be bleeding for a while after baby is born and no, you can’t use tampons.
I’ve heard some women recommend adult diapers instead of maxi pads, but I prefer giant granny panties and an even bigger maxi pad. I recommend Seventh Generation brand, they’re a little more pricey than other brands, but made with better ingredients and no chlorine.
I suggest getting a lot of the really big ones with wings, and a few packages of smaller ones for days when your bleeding is lighter.
Postpartum Spray
I LOVE the postpartum cooling spray from Earth Mama, it’s very soothing and cooling and that is going to be amazing on your lady bits after childbirth.
Even if you have a c section I recommend keeping at least one bottle of this in your bathroom. It’s very soothing on yeast infections (which can be common after a c section, read more about that here), and hemorrhoids -which are common in pregnant and postpartum women.
The Earth Mama postpartum spray is also designed to be sprayed when holding the bottle upside down, which is super convenient since that’ how you’ll be using it 99% of the time!.
Numbing Spray
Believe me when I tell you that numbing yourself for those first few trips to the bathroom is going to be essential. Especially if you’ve have a vaginal delivery.
If you have had a c section this numbing spray could be optional for you, that will depend on how your feeling. Some women fully dilate and push for a long time before their c section, in which case a good numbing spray could be totally beneficial.
Tuck’s Pads
Tuck’s Pads are small, circular pads soaked in witch hazel. They are cooling and soothing on your vagina and are meant to help with healing.
For best results, you will want to place them on top of a clean maxi pad before you pull up your underwear. You will want them in direct contact with your vagina.
Tuck’s Pads can also be soothing and healing for hemorrhoids, so I recommend having these on hand even if you have a c section delivery.
Nipple Cream
Do NOT skip on the nipple cream, especially if you are a first time mom; this could be the difference between “hey, I think breastfeeding is manageable” and “oh s*$t my nipples hurt, I want to quit”
A good nipple cream should be safe for baby to ingest. Not that you’ll be feeding it to him, but it will likely be on your nipples when baby latches, so be sure to check the ingredients.
Also nipple cream will work best when you can keep your nipples dry in between nursing sessions so I suggest these soft shells from Medela to keep your nipples dry.
Finally, nipple creams can be expensive but it’s well worth the investment. Also, the Bamboobies nipple cream (which is my personal favorite) can be used as a thick chapstick/healing lotion in the winter months (think of a better version of Vaseline) and it heals up diaper rashes really fast!
If you don’t know what the heck a peri bottle is, that’s ok, nobody does until you actually need one. Then your peri bottle will become your best friend.
A peri bottle is basically a small squeeze-y water bottle that you can use to clean your lady bits. Like a hand-held bidet…..kind of.
This little guy will come in super handy when you’re feeling so tender down there that even the softest toilet paper feels like sand paper.
I recommend filling it with warm water and keeping the peri bottle next to the toilet so it’s ready for you when you need it.
I highly recommend that you stock-up on all of these postpartum must-haves in your bathroom BEFORE baby comes. And if you can’t do that, well that’s why drive-up Target orders were invented!
Good luck, and congratulations on your little one!